Sunday, December 20, 2015

Thanksgiving Day

 This year our Thanksgiving celebrations were hosted by yours truly.

The day was beautiful! And with a full house of family, would couldn't have been more blessed or had more reason to be thankful.

 I, however, did a horrible job at capturing any photographic memories. So what a share is only an uber small glimpse of our day.

 Maybe next time I'll be better prepared at documenting our festivities...or perhaps one of my daughters will take up the task of being family events photographer (Abby).

 All in attendance on this day was:

Jim and Dee Reber
Wayne and Sandy Farnsworth
Scott and Heidi Farnsworth
Skylar, Milo, Taz and Zaff Farnsworth
York and Kirby Black (S&H Farnsworth foster children)
Eric and Sara Farnsworth
Morgan, Abby, Emma and Abraham Farnsworth
Kevin and Dixie Farnsworth
Lydia, Troy, Aidan, Grant, Tabitha and baby-to-be Farnsworth
Joshua and Brooke (Farnsworth) Nelson
Madison and Kooper Farnsworth
Jamie Kaye (Bullock) Dolder
Brooke Travis Bullock

 Thanks to all who helped make this such a great day!

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